About us

BABA TARA SINGH INSTITUTE is one of the best institute of Information Technology , Management and Consultancy in malwa region . We Properly established in 2011 as a private sector . Management by taking affilation by Indian Red Cross Society since 2001 to 2018 is recognised by Govt. of India which provide Computer Education Center on Very affordable fees.
We are very glad to say every year more than 400+ students pass out from the institute . Always our Priorty to placement our students who successfully passed and dedicated for jobs in private and public sector . The aim of BTS Institute to Provide Job- oriented Computer education to rural students in minimum affordable fee and to contribute as a aprt of IT development in india . BTS Institute is Licenced Institute from punjab Govt , ISO 9001-2015 Certified , Regd. under shops and commercial establishment act. 1958 and registerd under MSME by Govt. of India which helped the students to equipped with the affilated course from 2011 to till date.